

If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact our office directly at 401-456-8055 or

Please be aware, that there is no 电子邮件 correspondence with staff regarding medical issues. 健康服务答录机上留下的任何信息将在正常营业时间之前无法检索, 星期一至星期五, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 


如遇校园紧急情况,请致电校园警察 401-456-8888. 其他紧急情况请拨911.

H.O.P.E. 行

有困难的学生可以打电话 401-456-4673 (希望) 与有执照的临床医生秘密交谈. This service is available to students 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

我们提供有关如何过上健康生活方式的信息,并鼓励做出积极的行为选择. 我们努力实现这一使命,通过:

  • 作为罗德岛大学学生获取信息和服务的资源中心,以改善和保持他们的健康
  • 提倡, creating and maintaining a community that encourages environmental, 物理, 社会, 知识, and emotional wellness to support a healthy lifestyle and encourage student success
  • 制定和实施旨在改善esball官方网个人和社区健康的健康倡议.
  • 与学生合作, 教职员工, and other organizations on and off campus to encourage and foster health initiatives on campus
  • Maintaining cultural competence and expanding the understanding of the links between culture, 身份, 社会公正是健康的决定因素
  • Offering confidential individual consultation and referrals for students in need
  1. 学生会-靠近校园卡,一楼
  2. 物理厂房-一楼楼梯间
  3. 布朗大厅-学生健康服务办公室
  4. 多诺万餐饮中心-就餐区一楼
  5. Roberts Hall - First Floor - Main Floor, all the way down hallway from front entrance
  6. Adams 图书馆 - Main library - to the right of the Information Desk

任何学生, 本科生或研究生, 住在学生宿舍或通勤者, 可使用保健服务, 无论保险状况如何.  

There is no charge for on-site exams and lab tests completed in Health Services. 然而, 如果需要额外的实验室检查或x光检查, your insurance company will be billed by the outside agency performing the tests.  

由于严格的联邦和州隐私法, the staff of Health Services is unable to release any information without specific, 学生的书面同意. 这并不意味着我们不想听到父母的声音,或者不能讨论不违反保密的一般问题. 我们确实鼓励家长打电话,如果他们有担忧,并能够与学生的书面许可讨论具体问题.  

可以预约参观. Acute care and illness visits are generally scheduled for the same day. 紧急问题立即被发现.  您现在可以通过您的 MyRIC帐户 或者你可以拨打健康服务部401-456-8055.

如果你的登记上有免疫障碍, 您没有向卫生服务部门提供esball官方网卫生部要求的全日制大学学生的免疫信息. 请致电401-456-8055寻求帮助.  

STD testing is part of an evaluation done for sexual health concerns or routine screening. The specimen(s) are collected in Health Services and sent to our contract lab for processing. Your insurance company will be billed by the lab for these services. When available, Health Services is able to offer free oral HIV testing in the office. 

Once you are a student on campus you may obtain vaccines through Health Services. 有关疫苗费用和可用性的更多信息可通过致电我们的办公室获得, at 401-456-8055.  

Tuberculosis (TB) testing (Quantiferon Gold) is also available for students by appointment. 

卫生服务处是经认证的国家疫苗接种地点. 学生可能有资格获得国家提供的免费疫苗. Information about cost and availability of vaccines can be obtained by calling our office, (401) 456-8055.


暴露前预防(或PrEP)是指有感染艾滋病毒风险的人每天服用预防艾滋病毒的药物. PrEP can stop HIV from taking hold and spreading throughout your body. When taken daily, PrEP is highly effective for preventing HIV from sex or injection drug use. “研究表明,每天服用PrEP可将性行为感染艾滋病毒的风险降低约99%. 在注射毒品的人群中,每天服用PrEP可将感染艾滋病毒的风险降低至少74%."



一家私人保险公司为esball官方网的学生提供低成本的学生健康保险政策. 大学健康计划公司. 管理今年的政策, 首选供应商集团是PHCS供应商网络(Multiplan的一个部门),我们参与的药房网络是WellFleetRx.  

The Student Health Insurance plan is not required to utilize Health Services. 

自动 & 选择性招生



Students can opt to waive the insurance coverage if they have comparable coverage. A 豁免形式 必须在秋季截止日期前提交吗 

注意:如果您的状态在评估后更改为少于9个学分,则需要支付保险费, 你不想要保险, you must be sure to waive out of the insurance plan prior to deadline date. 


兼职, 鼓励至少有六(6)个学分的非学位和研究生参加罗德岛大学学生健康保险计划. 要购买保险,您可以在线注册:

  2. 点击esball官方网
  3. 选择“自愿报名表格”

您可以注册并使用信用卡付款, or you may download the application and mail it in with a check for payment. 



The student health insurance does not cover dependents including spouses or children. 如果你需要从属保险, we recommend you investigate what non-group policies are available in Rhode Island.  


  1. 因生病或心理健康而到诊所就诊-共付20美元
  2. 预防性/健康访问(e.g. 年度检查)100%支付网络内(无共同保险), deductible or referral needed); out-of-network at 90% with a referral from Health Services (80% if no referral)
  3. Urgent Care - covered 90% with referral or 80% without; $100 deductible waived with referral
  4. 急诊室- $50自付,然后在$100免赔额后按90%支付(免赔额与卫生服务转诊有关)
  5. Lab and X-Ray - $15 co-pay; no referral needed; paid at 100% after co-pay in and out-of-network (deductible waived if labs are drawn in Health Services)
  6. Inpatient hospitalizations, surgeons, anesthesia - 90% with referral, 80% without. (转介医疗服务机构可豁免100元免赔额)
  7. 脊椎按摩疗法/ P.T. (Pre-certification required) - 90% with referral; without referral 80% plus $100 deductible. 没有付费. (脊医预认证) 
  8. 处方药 - $15 generic/$35 bran name at participating pharmacies including CVS, 沃尔格林, 沃尔玛, 好市多和塔吉特
  9. 有关视力和牙科信息,请参阅网站 


  • 政策编号:#W12021RISHIP64 
  • 组号:#ST0894SH 


在共同支付仿制药15美元或品牌药35美元(每30天处方)后,处方药的费用将全额支付,最高可达保单年度的计划上限(在参与药房填写时)。. 通用避孕药具不需要共同支付. Prescriptions must be filled at an WellFleetRx participating pharmacy. 被保险人将获得其健康保险卡的在线PDF副本,用于医疗预约和在参与的药房使用. 

esball官方网的学生可以订购维持药物(那些长期服用的药物), 比如心脏病, 高血压, 哮喘, 等.),以邮购方式. 在共同支付30美元的非专利药或70美元的品牌药(每90天处方)后,处方药的费用将全额支付,直至政策年度的计划最高限额. 因为大量购买, WellFleetRx, 邮购药房, is able to offer Covered Persons significant savings on their prescriptions. 




当获得保险处方时, you should present your Student Health Insurance ID card to the WellFleetRx participating pharmacy, 连同他们适用的共同保险付款. The pharmacy will bill WellFleetRx for the cost of the drug, less the copay or coinsurance amount.

When you need to fill a prescription and do not have your ID card, you may obtain your prescription from a WellFleetRx participating pharmacy, 并通过提交完整的WellFleetRx处方药索赔表获得报销. 索赔表格可通过访问获得 大学医疗保健. 点击“esball官方网,您会在页面左侧的“处方信息2019/20政策年度”下看到索赔表格. You will be reimbursed for covered medications directly by WellFleetRx.


Prescriptions will not be covered if filled at an out-of-network pharmacy. In-network pharmacies currently include CVS, 沃尔格林, 沃尔玛, Costco, Target and other.

esball官方网(RIC)学生健康保险计划包括哮喘和过敏药物,包括吸入器和糖尿病用品,如胰岛素和注射器. All FDA approved prescription contraceptive drugs and devices are also covered through WellFleetRx. 并不是所有的药物都包括在内. 



If you have paid for the policy but are not able to access your card, 完成左侧菜单中的强制性注册表. 一旦确认,可能需要2-3天,就可以打印卡片了.

If you have any problems, call Liz Bonomi at 大学健康计划 (1-800-437-6448 ext. 6114). 





我们在这里提供保密和全面的初级保健和咨询,以提高学生的学术潜力. 远程医疗预约.